Desugaring async functions in Rust

4 minute read Published: 2021-08-24

Here I implemented two simple futures without using async fn.

A simple async function

We first look at the simplest possible example:

async fn does_nothing() {}

An async function boils down to a function returning some type that implements the Future trait:

fn does_nothing_desugared() -> impl Future<Output=()> {
    /* ... */

The Future trait looks like this:

pub trait Future {
    type Output;
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

It offers a poll function that an async runtime can call to make progress on the future. We can implement this poll function by creating a struct that implements Future:

struct DoesNothingFuture;

impl Future for DoesNothingFuture {
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {

Here the poll function immediately resolves the future to the empty tuple. The alternative would be to return Poll::Pending to signal that it should be polled again later. To determine when it should be polled again Rust futures have a wakeup mechanism, which I won't detail here.

The does_nothing_desugared function then just has to return a new instance of the DoesNothingFuture:

fn does_nothing_desugared() -> impl Future<Output=()> {
    DoesNothingFuture {}

A more complex example

Now lets try desugaring a more complex async function.

async fn read_file(file: &mut File) -> String {
    let mut v = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut v).await.unwrap();

The read_file function is more complex in that it has an argument and awaits another future. To translate this function we again need a struct that implements Future:

struct ReadFileFuture<'a> {
    file: &'a mut File,
    v: Option<Vec<u8>>, // buffer to store data to
    state: ReadFileState<'a>,
    _pin: PhantomPinned, // Future is !Unpin

enum ReadFileState<'a> {
    State0, // Initial
    State1(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=tokio::io::Result<usize>>+'a>>), // Await ReadToEnd future

Here we take the reference to the file, a buffer to store the file contents to and a state that contains nothing initially, but is then filled by the ReadToEnd future when the ReadFileFuture is first polled. We explicitly mark the future as !Unpin to avoid it being moved. This is necessary since the ReadToEnd future holds references to v and to file. Internally we need to use unsafe to circumvent the restrictions of !Unpin. Here we must be careful not to move any members that another may hold references to.

The poll implementation checks which state we are in. This roughly corresponds to the different entrypoints of the function:

impl<'a> Future for ReadFileFuture<'a> {
    type Output = String;

    fn poll<'b>(mut self: Pin<&'b mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let s = unsafe { self.as_mut().get_unchecked_mut() };
        loop {
            match s.state {
                // Main entrypoint
                ReadFileState::State0 => {
                    let fut = s.file.read_to_end(s.v.as_mut().unwrap());
                    let wrapped = Box::pin(fut);
                    let new_state = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, ReadFileState<'a>>(ReadFileState::State1(wrapped)) };
                    s.state = new_state;
                // Await ReadToEnd
                ReadFileState::State1(ref mut fut) => {
                    let r = fut.as_mut().poll(cx);
                    if r.is_pending() {
                        return Poll::Pending;
                    let v = s.v.take().unwrap();
                    return Poll::Ready(String::from_utf8(v).unwrap());

We can then again simply return an instance of the struct in the desugared function:

fn read_file_desugared(file: &mut File) -> impl Future<Output=String> + '_ {
    ReadFileFuture {
        v: Some(Vec::new()),
        state: ReadFileState::State0,
        _pin: PhantomPinned {},

I am not 100% sure my use of unsafe is sound here, in fact I would be surprised by it. However, the application does run and seems to produce the correct result.

The transmute is used to convince the compiler to accept a different lifetime for ReadFileState. This would likely not be necessary if Rust had support for self-referencing structs.
